What is free?
Is it wild and unhinged?
Naked and howling?
Open and playful?
Is free
Accessible to all?
A gift?
Does free mean
We run through meadows screaming at the top of our lungs?
We answer to no one and nothing, not even time?
Is free
Without pressure or anxiety?
Without strings or an “I owe you one”?
Does free mean
We can rest a deep rest that melts through our skin and tissues all the way down to our bones?
Is free
Excess… garbage…more stuff we don’t want or need, but that we scream and wave our arms around for when it’s blasted through a tube at a sports game?
Is free
The feeling in your lower belly when you race down the steepest drop on a roller coaster?
The thrill of winning a race, fight, game, or competition in overtime?
Is free
A calendar with a tiny sliver of white space that we fill as soon as someone asks when we can get together?
Or a calendar with nothing but white space, every single day?
Does free feel like
LOVE this question Steph!!! Beautiful ✨✨✨